Thursday 5 February 2009

Mini-Hollywood in Almeria

Today I'm glad...I mean reaallly glad..., to invite you to take a tour through Mini-Hollywood, in the Desert of Tabernas (Almeria)... Join me, I shall virtually guide you through this amazing film-location. (Just right-click the image or enter here>>)


Upton Spoon said...

Thank you for sharing this information.

juanmir said...

Es curioso comprobar siempre que a los que nos gusta Almería, más que gustarnos nos apasiona. said...

Hola Juanmi, gracias por pasarte por mi blog. Tienes razón. Almeria es apasionante. Trasmite una energía especial...

Un Saludo,

Anonymous said...

That's cool.Really nice information blog about Almeria. I had no idea about mini Hollywood in Almeria I only heard Hugo Sanchez and Almeria FC:)Thx for information.